May 04, 2017

A New Way to Teach Spreadsheets

In case you missed it in late March, NGPF’s diving in deep to spreadsheet work. Read on…


A recent study from Burning Glass Technologies reveals that:

  • 78% of middle-skill jobs include spreadsheets as a baseline requirement
  • Digitally intensive jobs are growing 2.5 times more rapidly than non-spreadsheet required jobs
  • Digitally intensive jobs pay 18% higher than non-digital jobs

Your students need these skills!



We’re always looking to help, so here’s what we’ve done for you and your students:

  1. Created a YouTube playlist of 10 How-To videos, each under 5 minutes, teaching your students basic spreadsheet skills
  2. Categorized 30 NGPF Activities, Projects, and Case Studies that embed spreadsheet skills
  3. Embedded links directly in each NGPF activity to the coordinating How-To video(s) required to complete the spreadsheet, providing on-demand support for your students who need it. Samples:


Do you LOVE spreadsheets? Wish you could teach more spreadsheets? Need support? Tell us what direction to go next by taking our brief spreadsheet survey.


Want to find more math related resources? Be sure to scan our Math Resource Directory!

About the Author

Jessica Endlich

When I started working at Next Gen Personal Finance, it's as though my undergraduate degree in finance, followed by ten years as an educator in an NYC public high school, suddenly all made sense.

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