May 14, 2024

5 End of School Year Ideas

The end of the school year is in sight! Here are five ideas to set students up for success as they transition to summer jobs or post high school adult life. 

1. Summarize & Reflect on Key Learnings

Have students reflect on the most valuable things they learned in your class. Both CREATE: My Financial Flipbook and the Index Card Activity provide a final summary they can reference in the future. 


Upcoming PD:

Review Activities for the End of the School Year

May 21 | 2pm PT / 5pm ET

2. Model the Real-World Budgeting Process

A budget is the foundation for money choices throughout a person’s lifetime. Have students practice this critical skill using real world scenarios with one or both of these teacher-favorite activities: Salary-Based Budget and Budgeting with Roommates.

3. Plan for the Future

Have students envision their futures and identify financial goals they might have for different aspects of their lives with the Envision Your Future Life Project. Taken from the Middle School Course lesson, Your Future Life, this project works well for high schoolers, too! 

4. Dip into a Mini-Unit

Mini-Units allow you to do a quicker dip into a topic. Buying a Car and Buying a House are great for getting students thinking about big purchases. And with the recent Bitcoin halving hype, the Cryptocurrency mini-unit may capture attention in these last days of the year.


Upcoming PD:

End the Year with Buying a Car Mini-Unit

May 15 | 4pm PT / 7pm ET


End the Year with an NGPF Mini-Unit

May 28 | 2pm PT / 5 pm ET

5. Practice Soft Skills 

These activities have students role play realistic high school and workplace scenarios in order to practice soft skills, including:

Accepting Criticism

Conflict Resolution


Good Communication

Positive Attitude



Upcoming PD: 

End the Year with Soft Skills

June 3 | 2pm PT / 5pm ET


About the Author

Hannah Rael

As NGPF's Marketing Communications Manager, Hannah (she/her) helps spread the word about NGPF's mission to improve the financial lives of the next generation of Americans.

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