May 12, 2022

Money & Monedas: Let’s Talk NGPF Spanish Materials!

Did you know that 1 in 4 students in the United States are Hispanic according to the U.S. Census Bureau? Since 2015, we have been focused on offering translated versions of many activities and resources as part of our goal to make financial education as accessible and inclusive as possible.

Since we began translating NGPF Resources into Spanish, 3 million Latinx students have attended schools where teachers use our personal finance resources. We know that many ELL students are using the Spanish resources alongside their peers in the personal finance classroom. NGPF is committed to helping all students! 

How can I use NGPF in Spanish as a teacher with Spanish-speaking ELL students?

The NGPF Spanish directory lists all of our Spanish materials!


  • Activities across NGPF’s 12+ personal finance units
  • All activities in the 9-Week Course and Semester Course lessons
  • All assessments for the Semester Course, including Diagnostic, Midterm, Final, and Unit Exams!
  • Our famous Payback arcade game!


  • Student Activity Packets of ALL Middle School Course lessons

What’s coming next?

  • More arcade games!
  • A personal finance dictionary!
  • Financial Algebra in Spanish!

When translating resources, NGPF takes great care to make sure that our translations offer an opportunity for the student to understand personal finance in the United States.  There are over 62 million Hispanics living in the U.S. and we’re committed to personal finance education, one student at a time.

About the Author

Chris Salm

Chris (ella/she/her) joined NGPF full-time as a project manager and Spanish translator after 13 years as an educator in NY. She is a graduate of St. Louis University in Madrid, Spain with a degree in International Business. She has a Masters in Teaching from Pace University in New York and a certification in translation from NYU. She brings organizational skills to the team at NGPF, helping to ensure every high school student graduates financially literate. In her free time, she enjoys traveling and going back home to Spain with her husband and two children. She also enjoys running with her dog and exploring nature.

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