Watch These 6 Super Student-Advocates Talk About Financial Education. Get Inspired To Change The World.
All 2 minutes or less, these inspiring clips are from NGPF's Mission 2030 Virtual Conference, where six incredible student-advocates joined NGPF's Director of Educational Outreach, Yanely Espinal, for a panel discussion about their advocacy efforts at the school, district, and state level. A recording of the entire panel is linked here.
Ella Gupta is a high school student, author of Gen Z Money $ense, and creator of a petition to guarantee a semester course in personal finance for high school students in all 50 states.
Hana O'Looney is a high school student, and the Student Member of the School Board of Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland. Hana is championing a personal finance guarantee in her district, which serves over 160,000 students.
Joshua Omolola is a college sophomore who was the 2019-2020 Student Member of the School Board of Prince George's County Public Schools in Maryland. Joshua successfully advocated for a standalone personal finance course to be guaranteed for all high school students in his district, which serves over 135,000 students.
Kristen Cain is a college sophomore who successfully testified in the Ohio Legislature in support of SB1, a bill signed last week that made Ohio the 10th state, and the largest state in the U.S. to guarantee a personal finance course for all high schoolers.
Neziah Osayi is a college sophomore who joined forces with Joshua (above) to successfully persuade Prince George's County Public Schools to make personal finance a standalone course that all students will take before graduation. Neziah's YouTube channel, That's Clearly Wealth, demystifies relevant financial concepts for college students in an accessible (and hilarious) format.
Penelope Tejada is a high school student who testified in the Rhode Island Legislature to make personal finance a standalone course that all students will take prior to graduation. Rhode Island was the 9th state in the U.S. to do so.
Learn more about the movement to guarantee a personal finance course for all high school students on NGPF's Why Financial Education? page.
Motivated to follow in these incredible young leaders' footsteps? Check out NGPF's How To Expand Access page, featuring a proven 5-step process that thousands of teachers have used to guarantee a personal finance for all students in their communities. You can, too!
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