Nov 02, 2018

Reading List for November 3-4

Financial Literacy


  • 250,000 jobs added this month, unemployment at 3.7%, and wages starting to increase (NYT), so what’s the problem? The Opportunity Index answers that question, and Third Way breaks it down for you. It may be worth the half hour it will take to work though.
  •  Did you realize bitcoin just turned ten on Halloween? Business Insider reflects back on its first ten years.
  • Here is a great example of an economy where cryptocurrency makes economic sense. (Martket Watch)

Retirement/Retirement Savings

  • Many 403(b) plans for public school teachers get a bad rap. Bloomberg explains why.
  • Retirement with an age difference between spouses has its challenges. (Washington Post)
  •  What is you live to be 100 like these folks? How they have kept their finances as healthy as their bodies. (Time)

Paying for College

  • “Free College for All” was a campaign issue recently. MarketWatch look at what it would take to make that a reality.


  • I missed this one earlier in October, but caught it in a MarketWatch special report.


Food for Thought

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