Jan 14, 2021

FinCap Friday: Bitcoin Bonanza

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: This is the 100th episode of FinCap Friday! We can't believe that after just 2 years of this financial current events series we've been able to get to triple digits! We're eager to celebrate this with the NGPF community so we've planned a special VPD for FinCap Friday as a teaching tool. Join us by registering here. FinCap Friday hats will be awarded to a few lucky winners!

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Bitcoin was a hot, buzzing topic several years ago and then it fizzled. In late 2020 and early 2021, however, it came back with a bang! Hitting its highest value ever, the digital currency was sure to make headlines. Investors who are drawn to the idea of owning cryptocurrency or who want to attempt to make money from the wild swings are following this news carefully, but then again so are the naysayers! With so many arguments for and against Bitcoin, it's important to go back to basics. That's exactly what we do in this week's episode of FinCap Friday:

If you're short on time, try our simplified No-Tech option containing embedded questions right in the slide deck!


Check out all of our FinCap Friday episodes here. They're not date-dependent so any of the 100+ in our catalog dating back to August 2018 can work throughout the coming year! 

About the Author

Yanely Espinal

Born and raised by Dominican, immigrant parents in Brooklyn, Yanely is a proud product of NYC public schools. She graduated from Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School in 2007 before going on to receive her bachelor's degree at Brown University in 2011. As a Teach For America corps member, Yanely taught third and fourth grade in Canarsie, Brooklyn. She received her master's degree from Relay Graduate School of Education in 2013. She spends her spare time making YouTube videos about personal finance on her channel, MissBeHelpful. Yanely also loves to dance, sew, paint, listen to podcasts, and babysit her 10 nieces and nephews!

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