Oct 05, 2023

Interactive: Can you identify the right shade of these logos?

Why do companies put so much thought into something most of us can't even remember?

From The Verge:

"Even though we might see a specific color many times throughout the day, it can be difficult to accurately commit that color to memory. 'It’s hard for us to remember exactly what color we’re looking at and what color we saw yesterday,” says Marcie Cooperman, a color theory professor at The New School. 'Very few people would do well on your color quiz.'"

When you're done taking the quiz you'll be able to compare how you did compared to others and, perhaps more interestingly, be able to read some insights into why some of the world's biggest companies chose the colors they use today. Take a look at the options provided when you're asked to guess which color Netflix uses:

The netflix logo and four different shades of red blocks underneath it.

Access The Verge's Color Quiz here. Then, feel free to use the guided discussion questions below:


  1. How difficult was it to identify the right shade for the logos you saw?
  2. Even though we see them multiple times per day, why do you think it's so hard to remember their exact color?
  3. The interactive says that colors like red maximize people's interest in things like movie theaters and food. Do you agree with this? What other colors used in logos do you think are effective at increasing people's desire to use a product or service?


We have lots more of these interactive resources in our Interactive Library. Each comes with a worksheet too!


Want more? NGPF's Consumer Skills unit has a great activity about The Influence of Advertisements.

About the Author

Ryan Wood

Ryan grew up with and maintains a love for learning. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay with a degree in Business Administration and worked in sports marketing for a number of years. After living in Texas, Colorado, Tennessee, and Minnesota, the call of education eventually brought Ryan back to his home state of Wisconsin where he was a Business and Marketing teacher for three years. In his free time he likes to spend time with his wife and daughter, play basketball, read, and go fishing. Now with NGPF, Ryan is excited to help teachers lead the most important course their students will ever take.

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