May 11, 2015

NGPF Celebrates: Kelly Boyer, South Brunswick HS (NJ)

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week 2015, NGPF is celebrating the hard work and commitment to personal finance education exhibited by our nation’s teachers by featuring just a few members of our NGPF educator community. 

Featured Teacher: Kelly Boyer, special education teacher

School: South Brunswick High School, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey

How did you get into this wacky world of personal finance education?

The Special Education department was looking for a teacher to help create the curriculum for the Personal Financial Management course so the special ed population would be considered in the assignments and topics. From my work with the curriculum, I was chosen to co-teach the course in the mainstream classes and teach the replacement level course as well.

If you had to give a first year personal finance teacher one piece of advice, what would it be?

This course has taught ME a lot about my finances! I would tell a first time teacher to constantly read up on real estate, stocks, bank offers, etc. Knowing the latest information not only helps you teach the class, but helps you make better decisions in your own life when it comes to your money decisions.

Tell us about a time when your students had a real AHA! moment regarding personal finance.

I’ve had students study a chart for investing and say, “If I start now I can make $____ in how many years?” It really clicks that they can start saving and making their money work for them today and set themselves up for a comfortable lifestyle. We shop for homes, cars, bank accounts and credit cards. Then the students can make truly informed decisions when it’s their turn to make these choices for real!


About the Author

Jessica Endlich

When I started working at Next Gen Personal Finance, it's as though my undergraduate degree in finance, followed by ten years as an educator in an NYC public high school, suddenly all made sense.

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