Aug 31, 2018

Reading List for Labor Day Weekend 2018

I wish you all a restful and enjoyable Labor Day Weekend and smooth start to the school year! It may be a long weekend but I’ve kept the list short….enjoy!


Personal Finance

  • As personal finance educators, we know we are making an impact. Here is the controversial article we’ve been tweeting about discussing conflicting research on the value of financial education in school. (US News)
  • The National Financial Capability Study reported on in the Business Standard, on the other hand, advocates for more education as the solution to the lack of financial literacy among young adults.
  • This one is a few weeks old, but this blog from Pew Charitable Trusts outlines recent changes to financial literacy requirements in several states.
  • Julie Heath, director of the Economics Center at the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services at the University of Cincinnati, wrote a piece appearing on explaining clearly the behavioral economics term “present bias,” and advocating for financial literacy education.
  • Do you think a professional football player will make an impression on your students? Here is a piece on how Carl Nassib of the Cleveland Browns teaches his teammates about the magic of compounding, including a video clip from an HBO documentary if you can handle the bleeps! (CNBC)
  • Ever thought about looking for unclaimed money that might be waiting for you? Michelle Singletary tells you how to find it in one of her weekly Personal Finance articles in the Washington Post


  • Here is an interesting debate on the length of the bull market, and if it matters, from Barry Ritholtz. Could be a good follow-up to the Fin Cap Friday: The Raging Bull.
  • Up for something a little more technical? This WSJ article gives several good examples of when diversification doesn’t actually reduce risk.
  • Here is another diversification discussion from Jonathan Clements Humble Dollar Blog to round out the investment offerings.


For Data Nerds:

  • How do the largest companies rank in terms of Gross Profit Per Employee? This one has some interesting data and graphs that might lead to some interesting conversations about the nature of different industries. (Priceonomics)



  • Catherine Brown of Forbes interviews Tara Westover, author of Educated. Ms. Westover never set foot in a classroom but ended up with a PhD. As educators, this one has some good food for thought on the meaning of education.

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