Sep 02, 2023

Earn a Badge Over the Long Weekend

It's almost time for the cute critters of our On-Demand Challenge to go into hibernation for the fall! September 30 is the last day to complete just four hours of On-Demand and earn a sweet badge. Use this long weekend to knock out one or more hours at whatever time you prefer to learn, or register for one of our live events starting back up on Tuesday!

Tuesday, Sep 5

Beginner Series: How to Do an NGPF Lesson @ 2pm Pac // 5pm East


Wednesday, Sep 6

The NEW Online Banking Simulator @ 1pm Pac // 4pm East

Engage Your Class with MOVE Activities @ 2pm Pac // 5pm East


Thursday, Sep 7

Free Book Raffle! Breaking Down the Numbers, Author's Corner with Nick Magiulli's Take on Personal Finance and Investing @ 4pm Pac // 7pm East


The Following Week





About the Author

Jessica Endlich

When I started working at Next Gen Personal Finance, it's as though my undergraduate degree in finance, followed by ten years as an educator in an NYC public high school, suddenly all made sense.

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