Oct 08, 2020

Join us for a Virtual FinCamp - Saturday sessions now available!

Are you looking for a collaborative PD environment where you can learn more about NGPF AND upskill your content knowledge? Then you’re in the right place! NGPF Virtual FinCamps are 3-hour virtual PDs with teachers from around the country focused on collaboration and growth. Each Virtual FinCamp is comprised of 2 x 3hr sessions. You may attend one or both of these sessions, in either order.


Join us on Saturday, October 17 for:

Here’s the Virtual FinCamp Agenda if you’re keen for a sneak peek!


Teaching Middle School? Then join us on Saturday, October 17 for:

Here’s the Virtual FinCamp: Middle School Agenda if you’re keen for a sneak peek!


Here’s what educators have to say about Virtual FinCamps:


  • Your VPD is worth spending a Saturday afternoon!
  • This was a great way to start off my Saturday. After today I will have 128 NGPF PD hours and every class I take, I always take away something I didn't know before that will be super useful/helpful in my classroom.
  • Thank you SO very much for your time today. Truly the best and most useful PD I attend weekly!



About the Author

Laura Matchett

After graduating with an education degree and spending 7 years in an elementary classroom, Laura made the switch to the non-profit world and loves interacting with students, educators and business professionals across the country. She is passionate about all students having access to high quality education and views personal finance education as one way to ‘level the playing field’. When Laura is not locating or creating high quality educational resources, you can find her mountain biking or searching for the best ramen in town!

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