Jun 11, 2024

Question of the Day: What percent of your daily activities are habits?

Think about your activities today before answering...

Answer: 43%

A graphic that shows the habit loop of trigger, routine, and reward.


  • Reflect on your day so far. What are some examples of habits that have become part of your daily routine?
  • What are some money habits you have? What might you classify as good habits?
  • Do you find it easy or difficult to change money habits? Provide an example in your answer.


Click here for the ready-to-go slides for this Question of the Day that you can use in your classroom.


Behind the numbers (Inc.):

Referencing a study by psychologist Wendy Wood, The New Yorker's Jerome Groopman reports that "our actions are habitual 43 percent of the time." That means nearly half your day is so deeply ingrained that, before you can even make a wiser choice, you have to fight to remember you're making a choice at all. No wonder willpower is rarely, if ever, sufficient. 


For more on behavioral economics, be sure to check out the Behavioral Economics unit.


Want to dive more into habits, how they form and how to change them? The #1 NGPF On-Demand is, yes, you guessed it, The Power of Habit. Give it a try and earn 1 NGPF Academy credit! 

About the Author

Ryan Wood

Ryan grew up with and maintains a love for learning. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay with a degree in Business Administration and worked in sports marketing for a number of years. After living in Texas, Colorado, Tennessee, and Minnesota, the call of education eventually brought Ryan back to his home state of Wisconsin where he was a Business and Marketing teacher for three years. In his free time he likes to spend time with his wife and daughter, play basketball, read, and go fishing. Now with NGPF, Ryan is excited to help teachers lead the most important course their students will ever take.

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