Schools in the News for the week of December 20th, 2017
Grading U.S. states on teaching financial literacy: Some earn A’s, while others flunk (The Washington Post)
The third report card of the Center for Financial Literacy at Champlain College highlights the mixed record around the country — including in the D.C. region, where the District earned an F, while Virginia aced it and Maryland received a B. (See all grades below.) The grades are only a slight improvement from those given in 2015, when 24 percent of states and the District earned an F. They underscore findings of the 2016 Survey of the States conducted by the nonprofit Council for Economic Education, which found “slow growth in personal finance education in recent years and no improvement in economic education.” That 2016 survey said that only 20 states required high school students to take a course in economics, two fewer than in 2014, and only 17 states required high school students to take a course in personal finance, the same as in 2014.
Schools teaching financial literacy in advance of new law (The Commercial)
Jefferson County school districts are teaching financial literacy classes even before a new law that will require Arkansas students to take them in order to graduate from high school. Lawmakers approved a new law this year mandating that students receive instruction on a range of standards related to financial literacy, financial planning, taxes and household budgeting. This law does not take effect until 2021 and does not require schools to offer a personal finance course. It directs the Arkansas Department of Education to develop personal and family finance standards that can be incorporated into existing courses.
Teacher Helps Students Become More Financially Savvy (newswise)
Rebecca Neumann specializes in international finance and macroeconomics, but she also devotes a lot of time to an issue that hits closer to home: preparing students for a life of financial security. Neumann, an associate professor of economics at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, designed and teaches “The Economics of Personal Finance,” a one-credit, seven-week short course that gives UWM students the basic skills they need to come to grips with their financial situation and, more importantly, to plan for their futures. More than 3,100 students have taken the course so far.
Why One Rock Band Is Trying To Teach Students Financial Literacy (NPR)
The band Gooding travels to schools teaching young people how to manage their finances. The band members are trying to prepare the students for a future where cash is much less common.
About the Author
Laura Matchett
After graduating with an education degree and spending 7 years in an elementary classroom, Laura made the switch to the non-profit world and loves interacting with students, educators and business professionals across the country. She is passionate about all students having access to high quality education and views personal finance education as one way to ‘level the playing field’. When Laura is not locating or creating high quality educational resources, you can find her mountain biking or searching for the best ramen in town!
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